Our Vision

CO2 Negative Furniture = CO2 Negative Future  

The word, Pollima, was created to represent the Pollination of Materials.

In an age of much-needed emotional positivity, we at Pollima want to celebrate negativity. Carbon negativity that is. We know that you want beautiful, functional furniture to fill your home and workspace (especially now that those are often one in the same!). We also know that this is a watershed moment for your purchasing power – that you want to fill your life with elegant, durable products, but not carbon emissions.

We recognize that right now, our work at Pollima is just a drop in the bucket. But with your help, we plan to start a paradigm shift toward circular consumption and CO2 negative furniture. We promise that if you keep demanding climate-smart products, we will keep our creative engine churning out new, innovative, and scalable ways to deliver just that. You inspire us.

Well, the world is changing, and our drops together can create a tidal wave for renewal or destruction.

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